The RBW Vision
The Game Has Changed. Let RBW Show You the Way.
RBW Logistics is a company that wants more than just providing a service, we want to build, nurture and protect partnerships. We maintain a vested interest in not only our business, but also the businesses we support. We care about creating a smarter supply chain, providing the efficiency and visibility for your business to succeed.
Our vision is to understand the entire picture of your company’s supply chain, the strengths, weaknesses and needs that you have. Before we can offer a solution, we want to hear about the pain points you’ve been experiencing and how it is effecting your business. Once we have learned more about these areas, we can build upon what is done well and improve upon what is lacking. As a result, hopefully we will have better served your greatest need, effectively getting your things from A to Z and all points in between.
We’re puzzle people and problem solvers, we love a good challenge. It’s our job to figure out those supply chain puzzles that can baffle a business, finding ways to produce significant results in only a few moves. There are a lot of companies that offer the same line of services we provide. There are a lot of companies that offer warehousing solutions and shipping; that can package and provide streamlined manufacturing solutions. That wheel has long-since been invented. Where RBW Logistics differs and excels, is in our relationships and customer service philosophy.
What’s the Best Logistics and Lean Process Design?
“It’s the simplest one that works.”
– Albert Einstein